Crystals have been used for thousands of years for their healing and energetic properties. When it comes to manifestation, certain crystals are believed to have specific powers that can help you attract abundance, success, and positive change into your life.

We have chosen to take a closer look at five crystals that are considered some of the best to use for manifestation:

  • Hematite
  • Smokey quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Sunstone
  • Howlite.

Hematite is a grounding crystal that is believed to help bring balance to your life and boost your confidence. This crystal is said to help you stay focused on your goals and keep your thoughts and energy aligned with what you want to manifest. Hematite can encourage one to reach for higher goals and to realise that the only limits that exist are those within the mind hence making it a powerful tool for manifestation.

Smokey Quartz
This crystal is said to help you release negative thoughts and emotions, making it easier to focus on what you want to manifest. Smokey quartz is also believed to help you stay grounded and connected to the earth, providing you with the stability and support you need to bring your goals to fruition. It purifies and revitalises one’s spirit, allowing one to move away from their past and towards their dreams and goals.

Carnelian is a warm and energetic crystal that is said to boost your creativity, motivation, and courage. This crystal is believed to help you overcome fear and take action towards your goals, making it a great choice to help manifest one’s highest goals and dreams.

Sunstone is a joyful and uplifting crystal that is believed to help you tap into your inner strength and positivity. This crystal is said to help you break free from negative patterns and beliefs, making it easier to take action and manifest your desires. Sunstone is also believed to enhance your personal power and bring light into your life, helping you shine bright and attract abundance.

Howlite is a calming and grounding crystal that is believed to help you reduce stress and anxiety. This crystal is said to help you clear your mind and focus on your goals, making it easier to manifest what you want. Howlite is a great motivating stone as it allows one to strive for their ambitions and reach their goals without hesitation.

In conclusion, whether you want to manifest your dream job, your ideal partner, or a particular goal, using these crystals can really help you achieve your desires a lot more easily and quickly. To get the most out of your crystals, make sure its energy is within your auric field - try carrying them in your pocket, wearing them as a piece of jewellery, placing them on your desk or under your pillow, or hold them during Meditation or visualisation practices.