Crystal - Hearts 30mm "Various Crystals"

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2.8-3cm (w) x 2.8-3cm (l) x 0.95-1.1cm (d)

Amethyst - Brazil
Green Aventurine - Brazil
Carnelian - Madagascar
Green Fluorite - China
Garnet - Brazil
Dragon's Blood Jasper - Australia
Dalmatian Jasper - Mexico
Red Jasper - Brazil
Labradorite - Madagascar
Lapis Lazuli - Afghanistan
Lepidolite - China
Mookaite - Australia
Black Obsidian - USA
Clear Quartz - Brazil
Rose Quartz - Madagascar
Sodalite - Brazil
Yellow Tiger Eye - Brazil
Unakite - USA

Also known as “Banded Amethyst”, Chevron Amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing energies of Quartz, with the stress relieving energies of Amethyst. This stone possesses the energies which allow it to be one of the best stones for the third-eye because it stimulates vision into the unknown realms. It is a great stone for journeying and for self evaluation and inner growth. It clears the aura and dissipates negative energies, hence providing for a brighter outlook on life. It brings one the strength, courage, love and peace of mind required to continue in any pursuit. Physically, this stone can help eliminate headaches, pain and symptoms of viral and infectious diseases. It can also help with disorders of the intestines, pancreas, lung and liver, and help one recover from addictions.

This stone can facilitate astral traveling and hence allow us to view ourselves from a higher perspective and see if what we’re doing is helping our evolvement. It makes us realise that everyone is a star in their own right and that there is nothing which can keep us from achieving our goals. It gives clarity for those having difficulty “closing doors” in their life and allows us to remove things that are no longer necessary in our life. It can help us see our shadow side, promoting acceptance and allowing us to conquer our fears. Physically, it can energetically protect us from radiation and electromagnetic fields. It can also be used in the elimination of fatty deposits, to increase the sensitivities of touch, enhance brain function, detoxification and in the treatment of disorders of the reproductive system.

A member of the Quartz family, Green Aventurine is known as the “stone of chance and luck”. This is an excellent protector of the heart chakra and aids in releasing anxiety, fear and depression. It stimulates muscle tissue and strengthens the blood. It encourages love in all relationships, independence, and will help you move on from a limited vision of your capabilities. It provides optimism and a zest for life, encouraging one to explore the unknown and can be helpful in career changes. It assists in bringing feelings of emotional tranquility and encourages a confident attitude towards life. It is a good stone to carry or wear in times of emotional turmoil to assist in balancing. It can heal disorders of the heart and circulatory systems and encourages cell repair and regrowth.

Carnelian is an orange-coloured form of chalcedony – a mineral in the quartz family. This stone activates the base, sacral and solar plexus chakras, bringing forth a great influx of life force, sexual and creative energies. It stimulates our analytical capabilities, precision, initiative and inquisitiveness. It increases optimism and helps bring clarity hence especially good people who are confused or unfocused. Carnelian eliminates envy, fear, rage and sorrow because it’s able to stimulate a deep warmth, love and beauty in all things. It is a great stone in helping one take action to manifest one’s highest goals and dreams. Physically, it can help in the treatment of gall stones, kidney stones, pollen allergies, and colds.

Green Fluorite is about healing on all levels. It helps to cleanse the chakras and can dispel negativity in an environment. It can bring out one’s loving nature and is especially good for the heart chakra, producing feelings of patience, compassion and honesty. It dissipates all negative traumas that have been stored in the heart and rids us of emotions such as fear, depression, anxiety and anger. It provides clarity, particularly in relationships and spirituality. It is calming on the emotions but at the same time, it is able to give us the courage to expand our ideas and awareness. Physically, it has been known to be used in disorders of the stomach (generates a soothing energy through the intestinal tract), heartburn and to treat sore throats.

Howlite is a great stone for releasing negative emotions such as pain, stress and anger. It can encourage one to build better character attributes such as patience, awareness and emotional expression. It allows one to remain calm in all situations and is therefore helpful to those with constant stress and over-active minds. It aids sleep by easing insominia, increases dreams and dream recollection. It is a great motivating stone as it allows one to strive for their ambitions and reach their goals without hesitation. It strengthens memory and stimulates our desire for knowledge. Physically, it can balance Calcium levels in the body, strengthen teeth and bones and aid in healing stress-related issues such as ulcers, heart conditions and rashes.

Jade is a classic abundance stone – it is one of the best stones for specifically attracting wealth, prosperity, abundance and good fortune. This stone is said to be a “dream stone” because it facilitates dream recall and understanding. It is a great stone to allow one to realise their potential and life purpose. Placing a piece under the pillow can help one turn one’s dreams into physical manifestations. It can be a great stone to provide confidence and assist one in attaining self-assuredness, self-sufficiency and self-reliance. It also represents harmony in business and family relationships. Physically, it has been known to be used in treating disorders of the heart, kidneys, spleen, and the hips. It can also soothe and strengthen the nervous system.

Dalmatian Jasper is a powerful healer and can ease feelings of powerlessness and emotional blocks at the solar plexus chakra, whilst also being grounding. It cleanses and gently energises your auric field. It is a calming stone, easing stress and anxiety. It is a great stone for relationships, improving unity with workmates, partners, animals as well as strengthening family ties. It is a great protection charm for those who suffer from recurrent nightmares, negative thinking and is helpful to keep one relaxed and in good spirits. It is a wonderful stone for those who work in the veterinary field because it can help with telepathic communication with animals. Physically, it can ease the pain of ulcers, indigestion, sooth stomach complaints and enhance the digestive system.

This crystal is a member of the Quartz family and has deep red tones of matrix joined with a combination of forest green hues. Found only in Australia, it is a power stone which helps with courage, strength and vitality. It grounds spiritual energy through the heart chakra and allows one to open their hearts and inspire compassion for others. It is excellent for building self-confidence and developing a stronger will. It gives us the courage to face difficulties head-on with honesty and determination, creativity and practicality. It can help us break bad habits via the introduction of a new habit and also balances the Mind, Body and Spirit. Physically, it is a great stone for the nerves, bladder, heart, kidneys and liver. It has also been known to help with MS and relieve colds.

Red Jasper enhances responsibility and compassion and is known as the stone of fairness and justice. It can help increase one’s endurance, stamina, vitality and life force energy. It works on the base chakra, providing stability, grounding, protection and support during times of stress. Over time, it can lead one to great health and longevity, balanced emotions and true and honest expression of actions. Red Jasper guards against physical threats and assists one in situations of danger hence a great stone to keep in the home or car to prevent any misfortunes. Physically, it can soothe menstrual pain, heal prostate disorders in men and enhance the reproductive organs. It can also help activate sexual energy by countering impotence or lack of sexual interest.

Labradorite is the “stone of magic” – with magic referring to the awareness of one’s innate magical powers of their mental and intuitive abilities such as clairvoyance, astral travelling, past-life recall and communication with your higher guides. It allows one to realise their destiny in this lifetime. It is the stone of strength and allows one to see things with the inner eye and not the physical eyes which is deceived by the illusion. It creates a powerful force field around the aura, protecting the user from negative energies and those that drain your energy. Labradorite assists in communication with your higher self and is an excellent meditation stone. Physically, it has been used effectively in the treatment of disorders of the brain, reduce anxiety and stress and assist in digestion regulation and metabolism.

Also known as ‘Lapis’, this stone is a sodium aluminum silicate with sulfur, chlorine, hydroxyl, and variable inclusions of Pyrite (gold) and Calcite (white). Lapis helps to expand awareness and intellectual capacity. It helps one to be more intuitive as it is able to work on the third eye. It is one of the power stones of the ages and serves as both a mental and spiritual cleanser. Lapis can enhance strength, vitality and creative expression. Facilitating the opening of the throat and third eye chakras, it can assist in past life work, promoting spiritual growth and improve our psychic abilities. Physically, it has been used to strengthen the skeletal system, activate the thyroid gland, treating throat disorders, and relieving insomnia.

This stone is a form of Jasper which originates from Australia. It centers, balances and aligns all chakras into a state of physical well-being. It calms and centers the mind, removing unnecessary thoughts whilst still allowing for intellectual thoughts and reasoning. It is able to slow the ageing process by raising the vibration of one’s body and thoughts and providing a “young at heart” attitude. It promotes wealth and abundance into one’s life and gives one a sense that all things financially will have a successful outcome. It clears confusion when worked on the 3rd eye and provides easy access to the higher realms during meditation. Physically, it increases circulation and blood cell manufacture, increases absorption of minerals into the body and in the treatment of the reproductive organs.

Black obsidian is an excellent grounding stone as it connects one from the base chakra to the Earth Mother. It is great for protection against negativity and stabilising internal and external energies. It is used for “gazing” and to produce sincerity in action and insight into the future. It can also bring creativity to all endeavours. Due to its fast acting nature, it should be used with caution as it can bring about a rush of negative emotions and unpleasantness to the surface that needs to be dealt with before peace is restored. Physically, it can help with arthritis, joint problems, cramps, and aid digestion.

This is one of the most abundant, versatile & multi-dimensional stones in the world. It is able to receive, activate, store, transform, transmit & amplify energy. Placing a cluster in a room can transmit healing energies & help amplify the existing energy in the room. It is an excellent protection stone & can assist in providing clarity & emotional stability which can be useful in study, meditation & stress relief. It cleanses, enhances & protects the aura & also activates & clears the chakras. It can be used to enhance your psychic abilities & communications with your guides. It has also been used for dream recall if it’s placed under a pillow. Physically, it stimulates the thyroid & parathyroid glands, is helpful for the respiratory & immune systems & stimulates the thymus if worn over the heart.

Known as the stone of “gentle and unconditional love”, it is able to enhance love in all situations & helps to bring peacefulness to all relationships. It can act as a rejuvenating agent for both the physical body & the emotions. It has an excellent energy for healing emotional wounds & is able to open the heart to all forms of love – self-love, family love, platonic love & romantic love. It can increase fertility & be useful during pregnancy & childbirth. It clears stored anger, resentment guilt, fear & jealousy. May cool one’s temper & reduce stress due to its soothing energies. It enhances confidence, self-esteem, creativity, self-love, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion & self-worth. It has been used in the treatment of cancer, especially heart & breast cancer, aid the kidneys & circulatory system & weight control.

This is rose-red in colour, often with black inclusions of Manganese Oxide. Known as the “stone of grace and elegance”, it opens the heart chakra to allow us to express unconditional love. It is very calming and soothing and assists one to build their confidence and self-esteem. The pink enhances passionate love while the black is very grounding. It is helpful for releasing physical and emotional traumas while mentally, it is able to dispel anxiety. It promotes coherence by giving the user the ability to observe and give attention to detail. Rhodonite is centering, energising and helps keep us connected with the divine energies of the universe. It helps with emphysema, joint inflammation, throat soreness and heart disorders. It can also be beneficial to the nervous system, help improve reflexes, immunity and memory.

Sodalite is a chloric Sodium Aluminum Silicate and is named due to its Sodium content. It is primarily blue or grey but can be white due to the inclusion of Calcite. This crystal calms and clears the mind, bringing in clarity and allowing one to arrive at logical conclusions via rational mental processes. It eliminates confusion and is an excellent stone for groups as it provides fellowship, solidarity and commonality of goal and purpose. It can also be used to enhance truthfulness in emotions, encourage self-esteem and self-trust. It can help with detachment from concerns and worries of everyday life, reducing stress and anxiety by allowing one to see their reality from a higher, more serene perspective. Physically, it is good for the treatment of gland metabolism, digestive disorders, insomnia and purification of the body.

Tiger Eye is a member of the Quartz family and comes in a few different colours including blue, red and yellow. Yellow Tiger Eye gives clarity and focus hence, can be useful in meditation. It enhances psychic abilities and can help with the attunement of the third-eye. It can allow one to become more practical and grounded and its bright colour has the ability to bring joy and optimism into one’s life. It balances the yin and yang energies and both the hemispheres of the brain hence bringing in more awareness to one’s needs and the needs of others. Physically, it has been used in the treatment of eye disorders, throat disorders, the reproductive system and aid in night vision. It can also be used to strengthen the alignment of the spinal column and facilitate the mending of broken bones.

Unakite is a form of Jasper. It balances our emotional body and brings ones consciousness to the present. It facilitates the re-birthing process and helps one deal with past traumas that have emotionally held them back. It can raise the vibration of the physical and emotional bodies by helping one release disharmonious emotional patterns and the inner dialogue that creates them. This stone helps you go deeper and beneath the physical symptoms of diseases and allow you to figure out the real causes of the underlying condition. It can be used to enhance weight gain in the areas you would like manifested, in the treatment of the reproductive organs and allow for healthy pregnancies. It can also offer support in the treatment of cancers, help promote growth of healthy tissues, and recovery from injuries.


Although we make every effort to photograph items accurately and describe our products in detail, we cannot guarantee that every screen will accurately depict the actual colour of the item so very slight variations may occur.
The crystals pictured in these photos should only be used as a guide of the quality, size and colour of what you will be getting.  Every crystal is unique and slightly different so it may or may not be exactly the same as the ones pictured.
All crystal information provided on our website are taken from various sources and summarised for your convenience.  This metaphysical information is general in nature and should never replace professional advice.