Crystal Sphere Stands - Crystal Stands (Various)

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2.70cm (w) x 2.70cm (l) x 1.25cm (h)

Green Aventurine (Brazil)
Howlite (USA)
Nephrite Jade (Canada)
Red Jasper (Brazil)
Black Obsidian (Mexico)
Clear Quartz (Brazil)
Rose Quartz (Brazil)
Rhodonite (Peru)
Yellow Tiger Eye (Brazil)

These sphere stands are made from real crystals and are used to stand your crystal balls or eggs.  If you are wanting to stand spheres, spheres between 3-10cm would be best.  If you want to stand eggs, eggs around 3cm diameter would suit best.
The eggs and spheres in the photo are for demonstration purposes only and do not come with the stands.

A member of the Quartz family, Green Aventurine is known as the “stone of chance and luck”. This is an excellent protector of the heart chakra and aids in releasing anxiety, fear and depression. It stimulates muscle tissue and strengthens the blood. It encourages love in all relationships, independence, and will help you move on from a limited vision of your capabilities. It provides optimism and a zest for life, encouraging one to explore the unknown and can be helpful in career changes. It assists in bringing feelings of emotional tranquility and encourages a confident attitude towards life. It is a good stone to carry or wear in times of emotional turmoil to assist in balancing. It can heal disorders of the heart and circulatory systems and encourages cell repair and regrowth.

Howlite is a great stone for releasing negative emotions such as pain, stress and anger. It can encourage one to build better character attributes such as patience, awareness and emotional expression. It allows one to remain calm in all situations and is therefore helpful to those with constant stress and over-active minds. It aids sleep by easing insominia, increases dreams and dream recollection. It is a great motivating stone as it allows one to strive for their ambitions and reach their goals without hesitation. It strengthens memory and stimulates our desire for knowledge. Physically, it can balance Calcium levels in the body, strengthen teeth and bones and aid in healing stress-related issues such as ulcers, heart conditions and rashes.

Jade is a classic abundance stone – it is one of the best stones for specifically attracting wealth, prosperity, abundance and good fortune. This stone is said to be a “dream stone” because it facilitates dream recall and understanding. It is a great stone to allow one to realise their potential and life purpose. Placing a piece under the pillow can help one turn one’s dreams into physical manifestations. It can be a great stone to provide confidence and assist one in attaining self-assuredness, self-sufficiency and self-reliance. It also represents harmony in business and family relationships. Physically, it has been known to be used in treating disorders of the heart, kidneys, spleen, and the hips. It can also soothe and strengthen the nervous system.

Red Jasper enhances responsibility and compassion and is known as the stone of fairness and justice. It can help increase one’s endurance, stamina, vitality and life force energy. It works on the base chakra, providing stability, grounding, protection and support during times of stress. Over time, it can lead one to great health and longevity, balanced emotions and true and honest expression of actions. Red Jasper guards against physical threats and assists one in situations of danger hence a great stone to keep in the home or car to prevent any misfortunes.
Physically, it can soothe menstrual pain, heal prostate disorders in men and enhance the reproductive organs. It can also help activate sexual energy by countering impotence or lack of sexual interest.

Black obsidian is an excellent grounding stone as it connects one from the base chakra to the Earth Mother. It is great for protection against negativity and stabilising internal and external energies. It is used for “gazing” and to produce sincerity in action and insight into the future. It can also bring creativity to all endeavours. Due to its fast acting nature, it should be used with caution as it can bring about a rush of negative emotions and unpleasantness to the surface that needs to be dealt with before peace is restored. Physically, it can help with arthritis, joint problems, cramps, and aid digestion.

This is one of the most abundant, versatile & multi-dimensional stones in the world. It is able to receive, activate, store, transform, transmit & amplify energy. Placing a cluster in a room can transmit healing energies & help amplify the existing energy in the room. It is an excellent protection stone & can assist in providing clarity & emotional stability which can be useful in study, meditation & stress relief. It cleanses, enhances & protects the aura & also activates & clears the chakras. It can be used to enhance your psychic abilities & communications with your guides. It has also been used for dream recall if it’s placed under a pillow. Physically, it stimulates the thyroid & parathyroid glands, is helpful for the respiratory & immune systems & stimulates the thymus if worn over the heart.

Known as the stone of “gentle and unconditional love”, it is able to enhance love in all situations and helps bring peacefulness to all relationships. It can act as a rejuvenating agent for the physical body and the emotions. It has an excellent energy for healing emotional wounds and is able to open the heart to all forms of love – self-love, family love, and romantic love. It can increase fertility and be useful during pregnancy and childbirth. It clears stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy. It may cool one’s temper and reduce stress due to its soothing energies. It enhances confidence, self-esteem, creativity, self-love, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion and self-worth. It has been used in the treatment of cancer, especially heart and breast cancer, aid the kidneys, circulatory system and with weight control.

This is rose-red in colour, often with black inclusions of Manganese Oxide. Known as the “stone of grace and elegance”, it opens the heart chakra to allow us to express unconditional love. It is very calming and soothing and assists one to build their confidence and self-esteem. The pink enhances passionate love while the black is very grounding. It is helpful for releasing physical and emotional traumas while mentally, it is able to dispel anxiety. It promotes coherence by giving the user the ability to observe and give attention to detail. Rhodonite is centering, energising and helps keep us connected with the divine energies of the universe. It helps with emphysema, joint inflammation, throat soreness and heart disorders. It can also be beneficial to the nervous system, help improve reflexes, immunity and memory.

Tiger Eye is a member of the Quartz family and comes in a few different colours including blue, red and yellow. Yellow Tiger Eye gives clarity and focus hence, can be useful in meditation. It enhances psychic abilities and can help with the attunement of the third-eye. It can allow one to become more practical and grounded and its bright colour has the ability to bring joy and optimism into one’s life. It balances the yin and yang energies and both the hemispheres of the brain hence bringing in more awareness to one’s needs and the needs of others. Physically, it has been used in the treatment of eye disorders, throat disorders, the reproductive system and aid in night vision. It can also be used to strengthen the alignment of the spinal column and facilitate the mending of broken bones.

Although we make every effort to photograph items accurately and describe our products in detail, we cannot guarantee that every screen will accurately depict the actual colour of the item so very slight variations may occur.
The items pictured in these photos should only be used as a guide of the quality, size and colour of what you will be getting.  There may be slight variations in each item.