Crystal Bag - Healing Set "Cancer Healing"

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Each organza bag contains 4 different crystals that will be effective in helping with the specific theme of the bag. Get them to help you with your own personal healing or they can also make excellent gifts for that special someone as well.

On the back of each card is a couple of sentences about each crystal and on the inside, the card is blank so if its a gift, you can write a short message for the recipient too (or we can write one for you if you email us to let us know).

This particular bag will contain the following crystals:

  • Amethyst
  • Bloodstone
  • Rose Quartz
  • Unakite

Amethyst is known as the “stone of spirituality and contentment” and is one of the best stones for Meditation because it opens the Crown chakra to induce a peaceful mental state. Its calming effect is great for people suffering from stress and is also a stone that allows us to understand our dreams. It clears the aura and dispels all negative energies within the body. It clears, transforms and balances the energies in any environment and has strong protective qualities, hence been used as a traveller’s protection stone for thousands of years. It also enhances intuition and psychic abilities, as well as heightens our spiritual consciousness. Physically, it can help treat cancer, the nervous system, hearing issues, and can strengthen the skeletal system. It can also help the digestive tract, the heart, stomach, skin and any teeth issues.

Also known as ‘Heliotrope’, this stone is characterised by its dark green with red spots and blotches. It is a great healing stone and can be used to stimulate the base, sacral, and heart chakras and helps to center and ground you. It allows one to be in the here and now and also provides for the revitalisation of love, relationships, and friendships. Bloodstone gives you strength, improves your creative abilities, and provides support in decision making processes. It is also a good stone for wealth, abundance, and good luck. Physically, it has been used in the treatment of the spleen, to purify the blood, kidneys, bladder, intestines, and liver. It has also been used to improve eyesight, lung congestion, rashes, and in the treatment of cancer, especially those that are blood related.

Known as the stone of “gentle and unconditional love”, it is able to enhance love in all situations & helps to bring peacefulness to all relationships. It can act as a rejuvenating agent for both the physical body & the emotions. It has an excellent energy for healing emotional wounds & is able to open the heart to all forms of love – self-love, family love, platonic love & romantic love. It can increase fertility & be useful during pregnancy & childbirth. It clears stored anger, resentment guilt, fear & jealousy. May cool one’s temper & reduce stress due to its soothing energies. It enhances confidence, self-esteem, creativity, self-love, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion & self-worth. It has been used in the treatment of cancer, especially heart & breast cancer, aid the kidneys & circulatory system & weight control.

Unakite is a form of Jasper. It balances our emotional body and brings ones consciousness to the present. It facilitates the re-birthing process and helps one deal with past traumas that have emotionally held them back. It can raise the vibration of the physical and emotional bodies by helping one release disharmonious emotional patterns and the inner dialogue that creates them. This stone helps you go deeper and beneath the physical symptoms of diseases and allow you to figure out the real causes of the underlying condition. It can be used to enhance weight gain in the areas you would like manifested, in the treatment of the reproductive organs and allow for healthy pregnancies. It can also offer support in the treatment of cancers, help promote growth of healthy tissues, and recovery from injuries.

Crystals can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some common ways to use crystals:

  1. Carry them on you - people put them in their pockets, handbag, bras, or wear them as jewellery (Eg. bracelet), basically anywhere where the crystal will be in the vicinity of your auric field.

  2. Place them in your spaces - put them on your desk, by your bedside, under your pillow, or in a room. You can leave your crystals in different places to promote specific energies for example, placing an Amethyst cluster in your living room can help protect and purify the energy in the space.

  3. Meditate with them - holding a crystal while Meditating can help to focus your energy and intentions. You can also place crystals around you during Meditation to create a crystal grid to protect and amplify your intentions. 

  4. Placing them on specific areas of your body where you want the healing - place the crystal on or near specific areas of the body to promote physical, emotional, or spiritual healing in that target area.

When using your crystals, it's important to remember to cleanse them periodically as they are like batteries and will run out of energy and feel depleted over time. There are many ways to cleanse but the simplest method is to run them under water and then place them under the full moon once a month.

Although we make every effort to photograph items accurately and describe our products in detail, we cannot guarantee that every screen will accurately depict the actual colour of the item so very slight variations may occur.
All crystal information provided on our website are taken from various sources and summarised for your convenience.
This metaphysical information is general in nature and should never replace professional advice.